Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Floating Vanities, Geodes and Chandeliers in the Kitchen...why not?

Check out this great article about floating vanities on Houzz, beautiful stuff.
master bath contemporary bathroom

Lonny magazine posted some pretty cool things made out of Geodes. 
While reading the comments to the Lonny article I also found this cool post...Agate Temptations from Fashionable Interiors blog.
I just came to the realization that I need to decorate my house with more agates, they melt my heart.

Last, I'm so happy that Paul Anater is now a regular contributer to Houzz.  I loved his article about Chandeliers in the Kitchen. 
KitchenLab traditional kitchen


Paul Anater said...

Thanks for the shout out Steph!

Melissa said...

I love geodes, too. But I was a major rock nerd as a kid. My uncle found geodes all the time in Arkansas. He gave them to my Grandfather: he had over 50 in his yard. It was really cool. When they sold the house, they left them! aaargh!

Steph@TheGraniteGurus said...

Over 50 geodes in his yard!?! Seriously I can't imagine how awesome that would be. I can't believe they left them in the house!!!

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