Friday, October 22, 2010

FAQ Friday: We're talking photography.

So this is pretty off the topic of stone and countertops, but I get a lot of questions about what camera and lenses I use when taking photos of jobs we do.  So I thought I'd address it all here.
I'm not a pro, but I do enjoy photography.
I shoot with a Nikon D60, and yes, I really do like it.  I ride on my husband's research though, so I don't have all the details of why this is the camera I own.  He likes the Nikon brand so that's what we have.  We have always had the Nikon brand since we've started using DSLR cameras, so I can't say how I feel about any other brand.  It's been a great camera though, we haven't had any problems with it and it's fairly simple to use.....especially considering I am not a technology guru, I'm only a granite guru.  :)

 I think the reason why I get asked about my photography though is due to the lens I use.  When shooting most kitchens and pretty much every bath, I use my Sigma 10mm-20mm lens.  It's a wide angle lens and it's amazing because you can easily get the whole kitchen or vanity in the picture, even if you are in a small room.  It's a pretty pricey lens considering I only ever use it for job photos, but really it was worth it in my opinion.  We bought the Sigma brand instead of the Nikon though, I don't think I could justify the price of the 14mm Nikon lens

Here's a picture that I took using this lens.  This was a big kitchen,  if I would have used even an 18mm-55mm lens I don't know if I would have been able to get the entire kitchen in the shot.

The downsides of a 10mm-20mm is that it can cause distortion, so I wouldn't suggest using it for portraits.  With architecture and landscapes you can generally avoid the distorted look and if it does happen it's usually fixable in Photoshop. 
 For edge details and really close up shots of stone I use a 105 mm macro lens, this lens is probably my favorite lens in general, it's pretty awesome.  I also have a 35mm f/1.8 that I love and the price is killer.  It's great for the indoor shots because I don't have to use a flash. 
Also in my bag, if you are interested, is an 18mm-200mm, which is what I keep on my camera most of the time because it's so versatile.  And then I also have a  70mm-300mm.
So that's it.  Let me know if I missed anything!          


Kris said...

Thanks for the info! I was one of those people who had emailed you a bunch of questions. :)
I love your photography and I think it's a great topic for your blog today.

Amanda said...

Okay, I'm glad you have had more than just me bugging you with photography questions!
Thanks for the informative post. I think I'm going to start saving for that 10-20 seems like it will do the trick for the interiors that I shoot.
Thanks again!!!

Unknown said...


You always do a nice job with pictures. I was wondering if you took them yourself. I take some pics myself and also have a wide angle lens. My biggest problem is getting photo shoots set up. Either the kitchen is not ready, or there seems to be other scheduling conflicts. Anywat-nice job.

Keep up the good work!


Steph@TheGraniteGurus said...

Kris & Amanda,
Glad I answered all your questions!

Having a job ready to photograph is definitely my biggest problem as well. My goal is to take a picture of every job we ever do....I would say I'm at around 10%...not good. :)
Thanks for reading!

K&B by the Sea said...

I have a Nikon D60 too and I love it :-) Although I still haven't figured out all the things it can do. No patience to read the manual! ;-)

You have a lot of lenses! I just have two, but I think I need to get a wide angle lens for taking room shots.

Thanks for playing along with my giveaway. Good luck!


Asheville Shutters said...

Pictures are a way that families and friends recollect their past events.

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